
To find out more about the AHAProject, please email James Masten at

To learn more about Dr. Masten’s psychotherapy practice, go to his website:

4 responses

  1. I posted your website at the HIV LONG TERM SURVIVORS that I founded, I would love to stay in touch with you and maybe one day meet an chat. There are many projects that I’m involved with to make our lives better. As I mentioned to you before, I’m 30 years SURVIVING this year, aging with HIV, 56 years old now. I’m myself an AIDS and AGING independent consultant.

    1. Dear Jesus, Great hearing from you and the important work you are doing. Please let me know how reader’s can join your forum and I will include it in the resources link.

      1. Hello Dr, so sorry I haven’t pay attention to WoRD PRESS, I mostly been managing the FACEBOOK GROUP HIV LONG TERM SURVIVORS. LOVE, wow, just notice this was from 2016.

  2. Dr. I have so many questions for you, by now, it has been 2 years that I had the HIV LONG TERM SURVIVORS group, and we have more than 4000 members. I have people helping me, but also, we had encounter so many problems. I’m trying to reach out… there any way I can talk to you, by e-mail, phone or Facebook? , (415) 626 9077, or find me in Facebook under my whole name Jesus Heberto Guillen Solis.